How to clean carpets

The most effective way to clean carpets and keep them clean for longer method is vacuuming regularly. It is recommended to pass three or four times a week, and if you have carpet in a place with a lot of pollution and dirt is recommended daily suck.

Vacuuming the carpet cleaning:

  • The more good the vacuum cleaner, you will get better results when vacuuming the carpet.

It is preferable to use a vacuum with a large container, and with a powerful right to suck all the dirt, dust, sand and debris engine, even those who hide behind the carpet.

  • We suggest choosing a model with powerful vacuum filters and anti-mite.
  • If the vacuum has a rotating brush, have to check it is clean lint and thread.
  • Cleaner’s mouth and hose should be checked regularly so that the suction is as good as possible.
  • Change the vacuum bag frequently to facilitate the flow of air through the vac.

Place mats at doors:

In addition to regular vacuuming, one of the best ways to keep the carpet clean and reduce wear is to put welcome mats outside each exterior door of the house. It is also recommended to place mats inside each door to collect any excess dirt before it spreads throughout the house.

NOTE: People who have carpeted home, you should remove your shoes to enter the house.

How to remove stains from a carpet:

Vinegar water or carbonated water: Most carpets today are made ​​with special materials for stain repellency. Usually with a small amount of water mixed with a little vinegar or water with gas, it is enough to remove the stain. Use a dry cloth and never rub, just wipe up the stain very gently.

Do not use a lot of water: To clean a stain from a carpet, not have to use a lot of water, moisten a cloth, is more than enough, as the excess water seeps under the carpet and eventually mold forms and very smelly.

Do not rub the stain: Neither have to rub the stain, as the friction destroys carpet fibers.

For mud stains: To remove mud stains from carpet, first let dry mud. Then with the help of a brush will draw much of the clay that is already turned to dust. Finally pass the vacuum cleaner to suck all the debris.

Liquid stains: If you want to clean is a liquid stain, quickly apply an absorbent paper above, to remove the liquid. Then with the help of a brush dampened with a mild soap and water, will rub the stain gently with moves from outside to inside.

Gum stains: We will put up the slick ice bag to harden the gum. Once it is hardened, carefully pulling it goes.

Wax Stains: Stain will put up a bag of ice to harden the wax. Then put a piece of paper over the wax stain, and pass over the plate. Much of the wax will remain on paper. The remains that have not been glued on paper take them out with the help of a homemade degreaser.

For smelly carpet:

If you have pets at home or carpet gives off an odor, please buy special carpet deodorizer. If you have no deodorant, an alternative is to sprinkle the carpet with baking soda, leave for a few hours, and then suck the entire area well.

Hints and tips:

  • To make a good cleaning of your carpet, you can go to dry cleaners and rent a special machine to clean carpets. In the shop they will provide a solution suitable to your type of carpet cleaning.
  • Before applying the solution to clean the carpet, it is advisable to test it in an inconspicuous place to make sure it will not stain the carpet.
  • Read the operating instructions of the machine and detergent dosing carefully.
  • When cleaning the carpet, open the windows, turn the air conditioning or fan, this way will help dry faster moisture from the carpet.

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