One of the most common complaints from homeowners is the lack of bathroom. Having too few bathrooms can cause frustration and fights between members of the family and make people arrive late and leave home in a bad mood. Whether you intend to improve the value of your home before selling or simply want to reduce the number of fights about the bathroom, it is hard to go wrong adding a new bathroom. The process is surprisingly simple, even for those without experience in plumbing. Also, adding a bathroom does not require a large remodeling, and saves money because the new pipes can be connected to existing ones.


  1. Choose the location of your basement bath carefully. If possible, plan to build another bathroom directly under your home, so it is close to the sewer. This can save money because will need to buy less material. It also prevents future problems when choosing the right height of your pipes.
  2. Prepare the room. Sketch the floor on paper before starting the logistics, and then draws the lines in chalk on the ground to indicate where the walls will be.
  3. Build your walls using wood or drywall. Use drywall moisture proof to accommodate moisture associated with the bathrooms and the general dampness of basements.
  4. Purchase plumbing components. You need a sink, a toilet and a shower or bath, if you wish. Be sure to select components that fit in the available space.
  5. Select a toilet cistern with top or sewage ejector system if your bathroom is below the level of the septic tank. This is the only way that wastewater climb out of the basement.
  6. Install the new accessories and all associated piping.
  7. Hire a plumber to come to your home and make final connections. In many areas, it is mandatory by law. Even if yours is not, it is usually a wise decision to not end up suffering a flood. If you’ve installed everything, even the pipes, it will be faster and cheaper to hire a plumber just to end connections.
  8. Put tiles on the floor, paint the walls and apply any finish you want. Add towels and decorations to give your bathroom a modern and practical style.

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