Paint creatively can turn a flat common and uninteresting in a fascinating space, reflection of who lives in it. In fact, the process of painting a floor is simple. Choosing colors and painting areas are not difficult. Usually, it is best to talk to the building manager or owner before repaint an apartment. In most cases, as long as they remember to repaint the apartment of neutral colors, the owners allow you to paint the floor to your liking.

Vivid colors

Painting every room in bright colors is a good way to create a unique and unusual atmosphere for your apartment. If the rooms are painted in different bright colors, it is important to ensure that the colors of the adjacent rooms have complementary colors. For example, painting a living room of colored dark red dining work with dark orange, if the kitchen is visible from the dining room, but not from the living room, it can be painted a darker yellow, the colors that are adjacent on the color wheel are complementary. One thing to note is that the painting of a wall of a dark color or alive will require several coats to cover the color when you return the walls to their original state.

It uses different intensities in different walls

Painting a wall with a strong color, Paint the other walls the same color, but mixed with white to lighten the overall effect of the pigment. A large wall painting that will be used to display photographs, art, or other decorations; smaller painting walls, columns or doors of a lighter color, is a particularly interesting decorative option.

Painting with sponge

Use a sponge to dab of paint in regular patterns in the existing paint. This works best with a thin layer, but the interesting effects can be achieved by painting the wall a darker color and then applying with a sponge, a clear complementary color, or even white on top. Although sponges are made commercially produced for this purpose, tear kitchen sponges can create interesting effects.

I painted base

If you like the effect of the wooden base, which usually tries to paint the bottom of a wall, uses painted paper on top, separating both sides with molding, try to draw a straight pencil line to separate the wall. Paint the bottom of one color and the top of another complementary. Be sure to mask the transition between the two colors with a strong dividing line. An interesting effect can be achieved by painting with a sponge top of the wall, so that it seems to have textured wallpaper. The advantage of an apartment painted wood siding is that it can be easily repainted if you want to restore the original color of the wall.

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